Uly's Blog

Hi I'm Uly.

Monday, November 01, 2004

As I said before, I went to the charity of old clothes in Namba today. I imagined a very large area and crowds, but there was a counter and two girls in the area like booth. The booth was painted red, and looked cute. When I went there with my old clothes, the two girls welcomed me & my friends, Yo-chan & Shimio-san. I saw a lot of clothes at the back in the booth that some people had already handed before I went. We could draw for prizes, but my ticket said "Hazure". I drew a blank. Then the girls gave us presents as thanks^^. The presents were "Breath-Care" which you take after you eat jiaozi(gyoza), yakiniku and sth garlic. It is expensive actually, so I was glad to receive it^^. Next to the counter, there was a charity box to correct money to send the clothes to Africa, so I put 10yen in it too. I hope some one in Africa will like & enjoy my clothes. It will be very nice that if I go to some countries in Africa in the future, and see people wearing my clothes! Maybe, I cannot help any people just by sending some old clothes, but I do not think it is the same as just saying "I should do sth" either. I will keep looking for charities that I can participate in, and spread the information to you all^^.

In Namba, there had to be another charity of Yoshimoto comedians for Nigata earthquake, but when I went the comedy theater, there was not the charity group there. I went to a book shop Junkudo to look for a book that I wanted to read for the report in Human Class, and the comedy theater is just in front of the Junkudo, so I would put 10yen there again, but unfortunately, there was no charity then. I wonder if they already finish or not. Let me know if you hear sth 'bout it.

I went to Haagen-Dazs with Yo-chan & Shimio-san after a long time, and enjoyed our ice cream very much! Haagen-Dazs' ice cream is very expensive, so I cannot go there often, but today I ordered strawberry-mille-feuille one(600yen)^^! Though I wonder if I had 600yen, maybe I would go to my neighbor-supermarket, and then buy 5 ice cream instead of a very expensive Haagen-Dazs one, the mille-feuille one was very delicious & delicious! Do you guys ever go to Haagen-Dazs? If you find new or very delicious flavor, please let me know! Have a nice ice cream^^.


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