well, it is just a little accent of every single repeating day to day life. this one, in the picture's, was done in Osaka, and I really like the little black hearts! The black hears is my original request. heyy, it is so tiny and so cuuute!! Nail salons in Osaka is much cheaper than those in Tokyo. Now audience, can you guess how much costed for this? -details; clear colour base, silver lame' gel twice, black hearts original idea and stones clear silvers and sophisticated blues. the answer is..U$70.00-!! how do you think? hearing the price, most people(ojisans) goes like "what!? you paid $70 for such.." you know? yup, i know. LOL. then the next question comes up, "how long does it last?" answer: a month. and then they continue like "whaaaaaat!? you paid $70, and it is gone in a month? what makes you so.."you know? sure, as i said at the head, it is a spice, coud be a switch, also. Seeing the decoration you wear whenever, when you type or when you write, you feel better. you feel lilke things get better. thats it.