Okay, herein I blog again. I wanted to get the white band of Live 8's charity for Africa's poverty, but I couldn't. On July 1st, I went to Jyunkudo to get one, but they said that the white bands did not arrived yet, and when I visited there again on July 4th, they said that the white bads were all sold out. I couldn't watch the Live itsef either. Did anyone watch it? I wish more Japanese singers participated.
The volunteering activity I did in June was to have conversations in Japanese with people from abroad at Japan Red Cross in Tenmabashi. Those people cannot have chances to practice speaking Japanese because Japanese people always want to try speaking to them in English. A lot of Japanese people and people from abroad got together to have conversations. I talked with people from the U.K., New York, Hawaii, Peru, etc. They actually spoke very good Japanese. I could listen lots of interesting experiences and comments from everyone. We talked about countries we have visited, jobs and studies, family and friends, hobbies, favorite baseball teams, and many other things. I could even have a little conversation in Espanol! I helped Japanese writing a little too. This activity was very nice and enjoyable. Now I am thinking what volunteering activity I try next in July.
The volunteering activity I did in June was to have conversations in Japanese with people from abroad at Japan Red Cross in Tenmabashi. Those people cannot have chances to practice speaking Japanese because Japanese people always want to try speaking to them in English. A lot of Japanese people and people from abroad got together to have conversations. I talked with people from the U.K., New York, Hawaii, Peru, etc. They actually spoke very good Japanese. I could listen lots of interesting experiences and comments from everyone. We talked about countries we have visited, jobs and studies, family and friends, hobbies, favorite baseball teams, and many other things. I could even have a little conversation in Espanol! I helped Japanese writing a little too. This activity was very nice and enjoyable. Now I am thinking what volunteering activity I try next in July.
At 4:18 AM,
fatrobot said…
i wish i could speak japanese so i could bother people in more than one language
that would make me so happy that i would dance
At 5:04 AM,
Ragge said…
Hi Yuri! Your not alone when it comes to not getting the chance to watch the live 8 show. I was at work all weekend with no TV :P
Wish you good luck during your volunteer work! Have fun :)
At 1:59 PM,
スロ / Bernat said…
That's nice, to talk to gaijins and to practise english or spanish.
I haven't Seen Live8 either.
At 8:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Yuri ,at last I've got to read your blog . As you know we all watched Live 8 in Brisbane ,it was good . Everyone here says Hello ,Michael .
At 2:29 AM,
yukaty said…
Thank you for commenting on my blog!! I think the volunteering activity is very cool!! I didn't know about the activity of Tenmabashi. It's very interesting to talk with people who were from other countries, isn't it?(~~)v Good luck in July♪
At 8:03 PM,
Scott Douglas said…
Hi Yuri!
That is so cool that you are volunteering to speak Japanese with people at the Red Cross. I have the exact same problem because nobody will speak to me in Japanese . . . actually, it seems like Japanese people don't usually speak to foreigners at all in general in any language. Keep up the good work . . . you are such a wonderful person!
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
hi yuri, your blog is very interesting, i think that you are a cool girl, im from mexico, but i like too much Japan, i have to see a T.V programs about Japan about diferent things, but the programs are very olds between 1982 and 1985, is good find blogs like this.
Saludos desde México Yuri ;)
At 6:25 AM,
Uka said…
Hello hello Uri!
Thank you to dropping @ my blog. Im really proud of you to join th evolunteering... and I envy you.. If I were in Japan, I would join it..
BTW, I put the pic of the big issue that featured the White Band. Hope you can see it in spite of bad quality of the pic..
Well my uni break is just around a month, less than ya break!! and I have only 2 more weeks left till new semester starts!!
Ok, I will email to Shauna before it is too late! Coz.... theres a time difference b/w Brisbane and Perth, its 2hour..
see ya see ya mate!!
At 10:49 AM,
CCoder said…
Thanks for your comment!
I saw live8 concerts on TV. I waited all day to see pink floyd. Superb.
At 12:11 PM,
Uka said…
Hey URI!
Thank you for letting me know bout the meaning of three snowflakes on the Japanese White Band!! That was really good to hear. Well, my White Band is getting like ALMOST White Band... coz of the slight dirt on it! I think I should wash it! haha..
Btw, I emailed to Shauna last night, but havent hear from her.... I hope she is fine.
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